Story: Lady Bird loves kitties. I had my husband choose and bring home some yarn for me one night (I needed inspiration- colors I didn't pick surely would spark creativity, right?) and when she saw it she begged me to make her a Kitty. Huh. How to make an orange, green, and blue kitty and still feel like I accomplished something nice? Here's what I came up with....... A Kitty Scoodie! (for those of you saying "a what?!" a scoodie is a scarf/hoodie....clever, no? lol)
picking her up from school... she was so excited about that silly straw she brought out of school with her. ?!?
*And this is HER latest project*
Story: This is a set of necklaces she made for her and her friend. too cute..... :o)
Tomorrow's post, after i can get a picture of my son in the hat I made him (that I also forgot to put in my last post....i know, i know, I must try harder....) will be all about Mushroom!
<3 Melissa