Sunday, February 26, 2012

We get by with a little help from our friends....

So, I just couldn't end my night without sharing this awesome tip with you guys :o) 

As I was roaming the great beyond for some inspiration I came across a fab blog written by 4 sisters called The letter 4. There are so many great tutorials and inspiring ideas, I think I must have spent hours wandering around just there!  I decided I had to share this with all of you because I know there are a few out there who have blogs or are thinking about starting one up and it was an "ah ha!" moment for me.

Anyone notice a (albeit slight) change in the look of this page???  In the post How to Make your blog wider Jamie teaches those of us who are a little bit sheepish about messing around with code how to make some changes to make your blog pages look even better than they already do. I love the wider look  Honeybee Blog has now, and have been wondering how to make it happen for quite awhile.  (Jamie also tells you how to re-center your title after the widening)

And while you're there take a look around! Here are some pictures (straight from the letter 4 blog, not my own) of some of the other amazing bits of goodness you'll find over there :o)

Janae's awesome 

 "How's it Hangin' Braid" Hair Tutorial

Jamie's beautiful

Lighted Canvas Tutorial

 and Jade's 
(Which, by the way, I can't wait to try...)

So, go! enjoy! Tell 'em I sent you ;o)

Talk to ya' soon!   

<3 Melissa

Friday, February 24, 2012

Update on New Years Resolution... (insert Happy Dance here) :o)

Well, I'm proud to say that I have actually made some progress on my New Years Resolution! And February isn't even over yet.... whoo hoo!  This is the first year I've actually made a resolution, because...  well...  I know myself and my terrible memory. I can't remember to take a vitamin when the bottle is sitting right out on the counter, how did I think I was going to expect to make a change in something and actually remember to do it? But this year I vowed to get to work on our house that we had built 3 years ago and still has only the builders primer on the walls. You can find the original post here. 

Well, I am here tonight to give an update and share what I've been up to. The transformation starts with the entry way. I don't have before pictures, so just imagine a tiny space with a tiny coat closet and completely bare (the gross kid hand prints and dirt smudges don't count!) off white colored primered walls. Oh and my bench from when I was little that now houses the kid's play dress up clothes.  So basically, a bunch of BLAH, with "lovely" touches of kid added grime. Not ideal.

And, now, we have an entry way that looks like this!

It's not perfect, but it turned out really cute! Now there's a place for the kids to hang coats and back packs because that closet really is pretty small inside, we have everything SHOVED in there. The circles on the door are magnets I diy-ed from old cd's and scrapbooking supplies before we moved to this house. The kids love to move them around and look at the pictures of  family that is far away and pictures of themselves when they were babies.

I got some wood and paint from Home Depot and got to work! After i screwed the wood pieces vertically onto the wall I taped off and painted the boards and bottom half of the wall in a bright white. I used the paint that is paint and primer in one...  wow! It is more expensive, but I almost don't want to ever use "regular" paint again! This picture is after only one coat (both colors) and it only took a quart of the gray to do the entire space (more pictures below). I'm very happy with the coverage and color :o)  Then I put white molding across the top of the boards for a little stylish texture and voila! DIY batten-ish treatment. I had planned to buy hooks and nail them into the boards for the back pack hangers, but purchasing a pre-made 5 hook coat rack and matching 5 hook mini rack for keys, etc. turned out to be easier and basically the same cost.

Here's a quick picture of the other wall. Sorta boring, but for now I'm enjoying the much needed color on the walls and simplicity of the small bench and single shadow box. The shadow box has a picture from our wedding along with the invitation and a (silk) sample of our flowers. I made it a very long time ago and am enjoying seeing it displayed as such a "spotlight" piece.

And that's the first project finished! It was a great start because it's a small area (which meant I was unlikely to get bored and leave it half done) and it is the first and last thing we see as we leave/enter the house. It makes me happy and inspired and ready to get down to more work every time I walk through it. And, the best part? As a family we have managed to keep it clean and tidy! No one wants to ruin the rooms "pretty", lol. Hopefully it doesn't become old and comfortable and revert back to "normal" too quickly, we could use a little time to form good habits. The big ones as well as the little ones ;0)

Let me know what you think! Do you have any suggestions for the space? Do you have something you're proud of ? Share it! I love comments and want to hear your stories.   

<3 Melissa

p.s. I have already started on my next project! It's almost done, but I ran out of painters tape (whah, whah...)  A post will be up soon, so stay tuned!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My little crafter,,,,

Today I thought I'd share some thing made FOR my five year old daughter (that I forgot to put in the last post...oops) and some thing made BY her as well. She loves to make things...she is getting pretty "art smart" as they say at her Kindergarten :o)

Story: Lady Bird loves kitties. I had my husband choose and bring home some yarn for me one night (I needed inspiration- colors I didn't pick surely would spark creativity, right?) and when she saw it she begged me to make her a Kitty. Huh. How to make an orange, green, and blue kitty and still feel like I accomplished something nice? Here's what I came up with.......   A Kitty Scoodie!  (for those of you saying "a what?!" a scoodie is a scarf/hoodie....clever, no? lol)

picking her up from school... she was so excited about that silly straw she brought out of school with her.   ?!?

*And this is HER latest project*

Story: This is a set of necklaces she made for her and her friend.  too cute..... :o)

Tomorrow's post, after i can get a picture of my son in the hat I made him (that I also forgot to put in my last post....i know, i know, I must try harder....) will be all about Mushroom!
                                                                                                            <3 Melissa                                                                        

Monday, February 6, 2012

What I've been working on....

So, I have finished a few projects and I thought I'd share them with you!  One for me, One for the hubby, and one for the kids. I feel pretty accomplished :o)

This is the bag I made for myself :o) It turned out great, I love it <3

 It's crocheted with two strands ww yarn together - 1 peaches and creme Avocado, 1 red heart Thyme. The inside is fully lined (hand sewn) with some scrap fabric I had laying around.

 The Flower is two shades of pink - sorry, no idea what they are, the paper is long gone, but they are pretty!  ;O)

My 7 and 5 year olds have a stuffed dragon collection that my husband started with them... now they have one made by Mommy!

This was the first attempt at eyes, I guess they came out OK.  He is quite cute and the kids and his new dragon friends love him bunches :o)

My third project turned out super cute! This one is for my husband, A Big Ol' Star Wars fan... (it doesn't hurt that this is my favorite character from the films ;O) )          

I bought safety eyes to try next time...

I'd love to hear your comments or suggestions!  NOW.... what to try next......

                                                                            <3 Melissa