Monday, February 6, 2012

What I've been working on....

So, I have finished a few projects and I thought I'd share them with you!  One for me, One for the hubby, and one for the kids. I feel pretty accomplished :o)

This is the bag I made for myself :o) It turned out great, I love it <3

 It's crocheted with two strands ww yarn together - 1 peaches and creme Avocado, 1 red heart Thyme. The inside is fully lined (hand sewn) with some scrap fabric I had laying around.

 The Flower is two shades of pink - sorry, no idea what they are, the paper is long gone, but they are pretty!  ;O)

My 7 and 5 year olds have a stuffed dragon collection that my husband started with them... now they have one made by Mommy!

This was the first attempt at eyes, I guess they came out OK.  He is quite cute and the kids and his new dragon friends love him bunches :o)

My third project turned out super cute! This one is for my husband, A Big Ol' Star Wars fan... (it doesn't hurt that this is my favorite character from the films ;O) )          

I bought safety eyes to try next time...

I'd love to hear your comments or suggestions!  NOW.... what to try next......

                                                                            <3 Melissa